Building up patterns from 0 to 1 at Azure

💬 Designing patterns for a product with 7000+ pages
Starting from Jan 2021, I took a lead on Azure Patterns. This article summarized my learnings in the journey of building up the pattern creation and management processes for 200+ partner teams at Azure.
📝 Design system newsletters
To better communicate the updates in Azure Design System and to foster creative culture, I created a newsletter. Here is a generalized template that I shared in Figma community.
⏳ The evolution of Azure's filter
I led the UX efforts to turn Azure's filter to be fully accessible and more user-friendly during 2019 - 2021. Through cross-team and cross-funtional collaboration, I iterated on a cohesive design solution that is applicable to all Azure scenarios. Filter engagement has increase by 40% after the design shipped. Happy to chat more in person if you are interested!